It is a web platform that concentrates a process of research on the witch-hunt in Europe, its impact in Latin America, and the patriarchal violence against women.

It is a space to explore where the shared material that has been collected over two years, collective actions, and writings are free to be used.

It is a platform that seeks to be an organic and multi-dimensional archive, a place to explore and to weave together.

All Witches is thinking like a virtual constellation, a journey that creates circles and spirals gathering women's voices and knowledge.
"Todas brujas" is a space of living memory where the resistances and struggles of women who inhabit, or used to inhabit, different cultures and geographies are interwoven.
The witch behind this platform is Andrea Herrera Poblete. I like to say that I am a maker of images, both in a photographic and in a writing and/or editorial dimension. I love exploring and putting together archives that connect with popular and ancestral knowledge; those dimensions so denied by neoliberalism. I am always collecting women's knowledge, I like to listen to them and learn from them. I believe in collectivity as the tool to hack into capitalist individualism, and in affectivity from feminist practices to intertwine activating mitochondrial memories in order to corrupt patriarchy, both in an individual and collective dimension.

I have built this space to share a process of inquiry into violence against women and its origins. I arrived at the witch's history by stepping on the tiles of this story without realizing it, a friend several years ago gave me "Andean Witches" by Alicia Poderti and a previously unknown episode opened up before me (Thanks Kati!). Then I came to study in Switzerland and discovered a tower that silently guards a forgotten story of torture and torment. And so a series of events that made me investigate and make relationships, never forgetting my crossbreeding linked to the violence of colonization. In this space I want to reflect this intention of discovering, this is how I move and also share the work of other women and dissidents who feel close to this idea of being a witch: one of those who use magic to transform the patriarchies that have been embedded by force in our genealogies.
Would you like to collaborate with this platform? It can be by sharing writings, websites, illustrations, photographs, knowledge, songs, books, translations, etc., etc.
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Also, your suggestions or comments will be very welcome!