Witches gathered to venerate Satan, said the authors of the Malleus Maleficarum.

The women planned evil rituals, they said.

So they began to exterminate all the "dangerous" women, all the "suspicious" women.

And they believed that the persecution had utterly exterminated them.

But not.

Here we are, intertwined as always.

Those of us who don't forget we rediscovered, rediscovered.

Building and rebuilding the mitochondrial memory that lives in our wombs.

Now that we are immersed in a whirlwind of uncertainties, in the face of an imminent change in social and collective relations to disrupt the modernist notion of community becomes part of this viral emergency. The pandemia of the 2020.

Then, all we can do is light the virtual fires and use the rectangular interface of our devices to transform them into circles. From the micro to the macro, experiencing the mutation of our subjectivities.